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Friday, July 30, 2010

Top 5 Worst Man Made Environmental/Ecological Disasters of the World

For more general knowledge, also refer: (General Knowledge- GK) and (About Various Products)

Top 10 Worst Man Made Environmental/Ecological Disasters of the World

1. Wars: Numerous wars between the nations and the people of the world which deploy dangerous weapons and war-ware are the single biggest cause of the worst ecological/environmental disasters. Quantification of enormous losses due to wars is extremely difficult.
2. Chernobyl, Russia: Nuclear power plant explosion; April 26, 1986; reactor at the Chernobyl plant, in Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic had a meltdown and resulting fire sent a plume of radioactive fallout into atmosphere and over an extensive area.
3. Bhopal, India: Union Carbide gas leak, December 2-3, 1984 night; Union Carbide's pesticide plant at Bhopal, India released methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other toxins; resulting in the exposure of over 500,000 people.
4. Seveso, Italy: Dioxin crisis; explosion on July 10, 1976 midday; in a TCP (2,4,5-trichlorophenol) reactor in ICMESA chemical company in Meda, Italy; resulting in a toxic cloud with high concentrations of TCDD, a highly toxic form of dioxin being released into the atmosphere.
5. Exxon Valdez oil spill: American oil tanker Exxon Valdez clashed with Bligh Reef on March 24, 1989; causing a major oil leakage in pristine waters of Alaska's Prince William Sound. This 11 million gallon oil spill spread almost 500 miles polluting 1900 km of coastline.
6. Love Canal chemical waste dump, USA: On research of Love Canal it was found that the town was sitting over 21,000 tons of toxic industrial waste that buried underground since 1940s and 50s by a local company. The waste mainly consisted of pesticide residues and chemical weapons research refuse. The chemicals had entered homes, sewers and yards. More than 900 families were moved from the location.
7. Three Mile Island, USA: Nuclear nightmare; March 28, 1979, Three Mile Island nuclear reactor near Harrisburg partially melted down causing a near nuclear disaster. Fortunately, about 18 billion curies of radiation that could have been released was held by the containment structure around the reactor.
8. Death of the Aral Sea, Kazakhstan: It was once among the four largest lakes of the world with an area of 68,000 square kilometres (as big as Ireland). Aral Sea, however, has shrunk by 90% since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects.
9. Oil fires, Gulf war: The largest oil spill in history happened during the Gulf War- when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Massive oil spill damaged wild life in Persian Gulf hugely. At closing of the war in 1991, Hussein ordered to set ablaze Kuwaiti oil wells. Some 600 oil wells blew up and burned for seven months.
10. Minimata Disease, Japan: Minamata disease was first discovered in Minamata city in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan in 1956. Release of methyl mercury in the industrial waste water from Chisso Corporation's chemical factory, from 1932 to 1968 caused this disease. Local people ate the highly toxic chemical bioaccumulated shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay and Shiranui Sea. It resulted in mercury poisoning.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Top 5 Oldest (Longest Living) Animals of Earth

For more general knowledge, also refer: (General Knowledge- GK) and (About Various Products)

Top 10 Oldest (Longest Living) Animals of the Planet

With each one's oldest recorded age
  1. Immortal Jellyfish (Turritopsis Nutricula): Infinite
  2. Antarctic Sponge (Cinachyra Antarctica): 1550 years
  3. Ocean Quahog (Arctica Islandica): 405 years
  4. Giant Tortoise: over 250 years
  5. Koi Carp: 226 years
  6. Bowhead Whale: 211 years
  7. Red Sea Urchin: over 200 years
  8. Lobster: 140 years
  9. Human: 122 years
  10. Tuatara (Sphenodontia): over 100 years

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Top 5 Endangered Animals

For more general knowledge, also refer: (General Knowledge- GK) and (About Various Products)

Top 10 Endangered Animals

Numbers of animals remaining are estimated numbers

  1. Black Rhino: less than 60 left in the wild
  2. Mountain Gorilla: 720 in the wild
  3. South China Tiger: No recent sightings in the wild
  4. Sumatran Orangutan: 3700 remaining
  5. Giant Panda: 3,000 to 5,000 remaining
  6. Blue whale: 3,000 to 5,000 remaining
  7. Loggerhead Sea Turtle: 60,000 remaining
  8. The Bonobo: 5,000 to 60,000 remaining
  9. Polar Bear: 20,000 to 25,000 remaining
  10. African Elephant: 10,000 remaining

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